dilluns, 24 de març del 2014


Here you have the  Make me genius video to review the Circulatory System:


Ø    How does it work?

 The OXYGEN that comes from the LUNGS, MIXES UP with your BLOOD.
The HEART pumps the BLOOD with OXYGEN around the BODY.

Ø    How much blood have we got in our body?

We have got 5 litres of blood

Ø    A car needs petrol or gasoline to run
Ø    Our body needs oxygen to move

  • It transports: Nutrients, Oxygen and Water to all your body.
  • It is formed by BLOOD, the HEART and BLOOD VESSELS (VEINS: Blood back, ARTERIES: Blood away) 
 Remember: The exam is on Thursday, 3rd of April of 2014. Study!!! You can!!!


dimecres, 19 de març del 2014

"Brush your teeth"

Els nins i nines de 5 anys hem treballat la importància de cuidar-se les dents! Per això, hem aprofitat per treballar el vocabulari en anglès i la música.
Esperam que vos agradi! És una cançó molt divertida!

Brush your teeth, brush your teeth,
every morning, every night!
Time to brush your teeth, time to brush your teeth
Brush your teeth, brush your teeth.

Put the toothpaste, put the toothpaste
on your toothbrush, on your toothbrush
move in little circles, move in little circles
round and round, round and round!

dijous, 13 de març del 2014

FOOD 5 anys A/B

These children are so eager to learn and they often asked me how to spell some words, I have decided to give them at least an idea on  the differences between the spoken and written words in English. This was the result. I am very happy!!!!

Los alumnos de 5 años están aprendiendo a escribir y cada vez que hacemos inglés o tienen un ratito, me preguntan cómo se escribe esto y cómo se escribe lo otro... Les intento explicar que en inglés no se escribe igual que se pronuncia... Aunque esto a ellos no les quepa en la cabeza... Jeje!!!! Es fantástico el esfuerzo diario y el entusiasmo que ponen por todo... Estoy muy muy muy contenta del aprendizaje... ¡Aquí os dejo el resultado!